1. Senior Adults Ministry (50 and older)
Our next meeting will be on Saturday, January 25th @ 12:00PM. Lunch will be provided (donations appreciated) and then we will watch a movie.
2. Young Singles & Young Marrieds (20-49)
Watch for details.
Ongoing Activities
1. AWANA for children from 3 years old through 6th grade. Teaching kids the word of God, having fun playing games and memorizing the word.
Wednesday nights from 6:00PM to 7:30PM.
2. Men's Fellowship is every Saturday from 7:30AM to 9:00AM. Any men high school thru 100 are welcome to come.
3. The High School Youth Group meets on Tuesday nights at 6:00PM.
4. Night of Prayer- every Wednesday night @ 5:15PM.
5. Women's Monday Night Bible Study/Potluck Dinner at 5:30PM. begins with a meal and then a video series titled "More than Just a Bible Study Girl!" Meets in January on the 13th and 27th.
6. Open Bible Study on Wednesdays at 10:00AM at the home of Leanna James located at 1432 Highway 50. Call for details, 874-3847.
Pastor James Conley is leading the study.