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Pastor James Conley

                         What’s In Your Heart?, by Vicki Conley (Pastor's Wife)

There used to be a commercial (for you old timers), and it ended with, “and what’s in your wallet?”  I have to admit, I was kind of younger then and I did not have much if anything in my wallet.  Now that I’m older, the stuff in my wallet is usually plastic and it comes with “buy now and pay later.”                     Anyway, I have been talking to Shelly Galloway from time to time.  Just wanted to find out how things are going with her new place and family.  I love talking to Shelly because she is so passionate about bringing her family to Christ—the very reason that God took her to Massachusetts in the first place.  As I have listened to Shelly’s heart, it’s what is in most of our hearts, as believers.                                                                                                                                  We’ve talked about that unique and incredible relationship that we have with God.  This gift of having a personal    relationship with the God of the Universe, who sees all, knows all and still continues to love us.  The God who knows our paths and walks through everything; the good times, the bad times, the sad times and the mad times.  We’ve talked about the blessings of family/friends, how God has supplied our needs and even our wants.  The joy of talking with Shelly about all these things is truly a blessing to me.  I wish I could tell you that her family have all decided to become Christians but they are still pre-believers.  Shelly remains faithful in prayer and continues to use the word of God to encourage her granddaughter, grandson-in-love and great granddaughter.                                                                                                                        As I mentioned before, when I was younger there was not much in my wallet.  As a new Christian, we get all excited about this new relationship with God.  We want all of our friends to come to Christ.  It’s exciting!  But over the last many years, as I have aged, I find God to be incredibly more than I could ever see or imagine.  The journeys through hardships, loss and tears.  The times when money was tight and bills needed to be paid.  The small blessings of finding onions on the road, dishwashing soap from a friend, or God bringing a thought to your mind that you would never have expected.                                   The way God intervenes and we are spared wrecks or falls or an event that could change our lives drastically.  How God reaches into our hearts and changes the way we believe or how we feel about ourselves or someone else.  He listens...He sympathizes...He loves...and He picks us up and gets us moving again.                                                                                                                                          I love how God doesn’t give me what I deserve but He gives me what I need.  Sometimes that is painful, but it helps me to change and to strive to do what pleases Him.  I think the thing that I appreciate most is that when the whole world could care less of who I am and even if I exist, or when family/friends don’t understand what I am going through—I can run to God and throw myself into His arms and bawl like a baby...and when I’m done, that Peace of God overwhelms and makes me feel like I am worthy.  There is no other God in this world that is all this and so much more.                                                            So as Shelly and I have talked about this great love of God, we want everyone to experience it.  Why  wouldn’t people want someone like this in their lives?  The only conclusion I can think of is you have to experience it to believe it.     The love of God…”Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.  I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands.  My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you.”  Psalm 63:3-5                                                                         Some day when you’re bored, LOL, stop and relish in what God means to you and Give Thanks!   We were created for God’s glory.  This life is a gift and this relationship____________!  You fill in the blank.                                                                Please continue to lift Shelly up as this has been very difficult, leaving the comfortable for the uncomfortable.  She has been really sick of late, but I believe that God still has a lot of work for Shelly to do, and things He has yet to show her.  We love you Shelly!        

FBC 1250 Pioneer Rd.,Delta, CO. 81416 (970)874-3847

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