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Pastor James Conley
Have you ever wondered what Jesus is up to these days? What is he doing now? We are coming through the time where we have celebrated his birth and moving towards his death and resurrection from the dead. But what would we find Jesus doing now? That is the focus I would like to pass on to everyone reading this article.
You see the Bible is not silent about the activities of Jesus Christ today. We can know without a doubt what he is doing and how he is using his time. For me, that is helpful wisdom. As a follower of Christ, I can also follow his example as I live my life in these days. Fact is, I would like to invite our whole church family on this adventure with Jesus. If, these things are important to Him, then they should be important to us.
For starters, Jesus is reigning from heaven. As Paul states in I Corinthians 15:25 “For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet.” The power of his reign does not reside in his physical absence, but instead in his heavenly position. He is seated at the right hand of the Majesty of God (Hebrews 8:1-2). This is the most prominent position in all the universe. Jesus sees all, knows all, and is strategically positioned to direct all things according to God’s will of whom he is seated beside. Even we have been adopted into the family of God and given the name “Christian” it means that we belong to the reign or party of Christ.
Secondly, he is still directing the progress of the gospel. Just as he sent out the twelve Apostles, he is sending out his disciples to all parts of the world today. Missionaries are called into service every day by the Lord. They make the gospel known in all languages and to every nation. Jesus is also directing the Church of today. It is the Church that he established to be the witness of the truth to every generation. We are called to share this good news with our families, neighbors, and even strangers.
Thirdly, Jesus is interceding for us in this moment. Hebrews 7:25 confirms, Therefore, he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them. Have you thought about this? Jesus the Savior of the world continues to hold us upon his heart. He remembers us and everyone throughout the world in his prayers without ceasing. We have someone to go to when we are in need. He is our permanent high priest (Hebrews 7:24). He represents us in heaven before the Father. He is in conference with God on our behalf right now, determining what is best and good, and making provisions. He stands in the gap for us.
The enemy is our great accuser, constantly pointing out our failures and faults to God. But Jesus is our great defender, eternally satisfying God with his perfect righteousness given over to clothe us. In your weakness before God today, Jesus is strong. In your failure before God today, Jesus answers for you. In your confusion before God, Jesus makes requests for you. Jesus always lives to make intercession for you. He laid down his life long ago so that he might stand up for us today.
Another part of Jesus activity today is to prepare a place for us to join with him in heaven. In John 14:1-3 he describes this work. He is anticipating our arrival. He will come again and receive us. Having heaven in our future should be heart warming to each of us (Phil 3:20). This world is not our home. When the brokenness of this world becomes unbearable, remember Jesus is preparing something better.
Jesus has done so much for us, and he has promised so much more. But, to miss out on what he is doing right now is to minimize the fullness of his work. The works of Jesus today is wholly good, sustaining you, protecting you, and making perfect and abundant provision on your behalf. To God be the glory!
FBC 1250 Pioneer Rd.,Delta, CO. 81416 (970)874-3847